Conferences & Seminars

International Conferences and Workshops:

July 2022: Challenges in Designing Room Temperature Superconductors, International Workshop, Gran Sasso Science Institute, l’Aquila, Italy (co-organizers: R. Henning, P. Hirschfeld, G. Profeta, A. Sanna, E.Zurek)
October 2021: New Developments in Quantum Montecarlo Methods, International workshop, Enrico Fermi Research Center, Italy (Co-organizers: F. Affinito, G.B. Bachelet, D. Ceperley, G. Senatore).
May 2018: RomeSC2018, International workshop on Electronic Structure of Superconductors and Novel Materials , Sapienza Universita’ di Roma, Italy (Co-organizers: G.B. Bachelet, R.S. Gonnelli, R. Valenti).
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Feb 2017: Vicom Winter School on Magnetism, Vienna University of Technology, Austria.
(Co-organizers: C. Franchini, P. Mohn, A. Toschi).
May 2015: Computer Simulations for Condensed Phase Systems, (Symposium for Giovanni Bachelet’s 60th birthday), National Research Council Headquarters, Rome, Italy.
(Co-organizers: Fabio Affinito, Paola Alippi, Claudio Attaccalite, Michele Cascella, Paola Gori-Giorgi, Leonardo Guidoni,
Daniele Varsano).
August 2014: “XXII International Symposium on the Jahn-Teller Effect”, Institute for Experimental Physics, TU Graz (Austria).
(Main Organizer: prof. W. Ernst, TU Graz).
July 2014: “1st Cecam-Lorentz Workshop: Towards Room-Temperature Superconductivity”,
Lorentz Center, Leiden (Holland).
Funded by CECAM and PSIK.
(Co-organizers: A. Sanna, E.K.U. Gross)
September 2011, “Superconductivity 100 years later: a Computational Approach”,
Hotel Porto Conte, Alghero, Italy.
Funded by CECAM, PSIK, Intelbiomat, Regione Sardegna.
(Co-organizers: F. Bernardini, S. Massidda, E.K.U. Gross)
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May 2010, Max-Planck Institute for Solid State Research, “Electronic Structure of Fe-based Superconductors”.
Funded by PSIK, MPG, ONRG.
(Co-organizers: I.I. Mazin, H. Rosner, O.K. Andersen).Physics Kolloquium (TU Graz):In the years 2013-15, I was in charge of the joint Physics Colloquium of the two universities of Graz, together with Markus Aichhorn. You can find the schedule here.